Sunday, January 9, 2011

50% OFF EVERYTHING! Curious Goods at the Lindy Mall in Malakoff, Texas

 50% OFF ON EVERYTHING?????????
YOU know how I get... about 2 times a year 
I go nuts and have this clear-out sale!
I just put the signs up on Saturday late, so
get to the Lindy Mall in Malakoff ASAP
before YOUR treasures have been snatched up!


  1. Hi, Laurie and I were shopping in your booth last week... and found quite a few treasures! Boy wish I had the time to go back I always love a good sale!!! How have y'all been doing I miss seeing ya... do you still set up in the Civic Center!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  2. Donna, I miss going to your sales. I wish you could start these again. It was always so much fun, even though I know it was a lot of work on you! Hope you are well, T

  3. @Theresa - You never know what I will do next! :) We may do an "Event" there at Lindy Mall. It was a blast and I miss doing it... would be good to see you!

  4. @Daphne I miss seeing you too! When you know you will be blowing thru town give me a call and I can meet you at the Mall! (903 203 4256)I will possibly keep the sale going thru Canton shopping week... will have to see. If I do that, I will have to mark the "New" inventory I bring in as "Firm" so I can try to make some money! Lol... Thanks for saying hello............

  5. you ladies look like you have a lot of fun and a lot of stuff to sell--all good - if I lived closer I would surely visit the mall Sherron
